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  • Writer's pictureAaron “P’Reach” Dinnall

Music Review | CalledOut Music - THANK YOU LORD

Start the year with thanksgiving

Thank You Lord (Single)

Gamfam Only You

Released on New Year’s Eve, it was a very fitting way to close out 2021! For those of you who were attending crossover services, physically or online streaming, ‘THANK YOU LORD’ is certainly that kind track to the event that came differently as it packed two years' worth of celebration in closer proximity which had been bottled up as we all know why. But it doesn’t stop there. Thanking God for the air we breathe is a daily thing we ought to remember as every day on Earth by itself is a gift. And that’s what makes CalledOut Music’s latest single forever relevant. It was timely and appropriately released as we left the old year behind but lyrically untied to a specific date on the Gregorian calendar. So, the single is actively looking forward from now to infinity. Thank You Lord is not just a nice song title used for the umpteenth time; it’s part of the very heart cry of the children of God!


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